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logo symposium of termitology

(April 2014)

08:00 as 12:00 e 14:00 as 18:00
Conference room, Dept. of Entomology


1st Workshop of Termitology (2014)

Laboratory of Termitology - Department of Entomology

Federal University of Viçosa


Purpose: Discuss about one of the current research lines in the lab, the nest cohabitation. By doing this, we have in mind improve our ongoing researches and also try to stablish new hypothesis to be tested by the novel integrants in the laboratory.



08:00-08:30   Termitology - CEB (Og DeSouza)

08:30-08:50   Doc + Pos-Doc USA (Alessandra Marins)

09:00-09:20   Obligatory Inquilinism in termite nests (Paulo Cristaldo)

09:30-10:00   Coffee break

10:00-10:20   Inquilinism: Costs and e benefits (Diogo Costa)

10:30-10:50   Reproduction effect on inquilinism (Vinícius)

11:00-12:00   Discussion for new member's presentation

12:00-14:00   Lunch

14:00-14:20   New member's presentation

14:30-15:30   What has been done in the Lab of Termitology?

15:30-16:00   Coffee break

16:00-18:00   What has to be done yet?

Last modified: Tuesday, 1 April 2014, 6:16 PM