Here you will find the prizes and awards received by our lab members.
Raúl Pisno. 2021. Best oral communication. Doctoral works competition at the Insetos Sociais em Rede, Brazil. 11-15 October 2021.
Og DeSouza. 2021. P.H.Rolfs Golden Medal for a Meritory Teaching Career. Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil. 17 September 2021.
Marco Guimarães. 2019. Best photography. Art competition at the V Symposium of Termitology - V SymTermes held in the Federal University of ABC, São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil. 1-5 September 2019.
Reinaldo Bueno. 2019. Second Best Oral Presentation at the V Symposium of Termitology - V SymTermes held in the Federal University of ABC, São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil. 1-5 September 2019. Title: On the benefits of black skin: pigment cuticle of termite open-air-forager offers protection against light.
Julieth Castiblanco. 2019. Diversity Travel Grant. Grant to attend and to present an abstract at the ASAB Summer 2019 Conference: New Frontiers in the study of Animal Behaviour, Konstanz, Germany. 26-28 August 2019. ASAB: The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. The award included registration fees, international flight tickets, accommodation, a 50 euro meal stipend, ticket to the gala dinner and visa fees. Title: Being flexible in a rigid trait: modulation of Lévy-walks in termite workers under distinct social encounter context.
Danilo Ribeiro. 2018. Student travel award to present an abstract at the Conference on Collective Behaviour, Trieste, Italy. 07-11 May 2018. The award included international air tickets plus accommodation during the event.
Marco Guimarães. 2017. Best photography. Art competition at the IV Symposium of Termitology - IV SymTermes held in the Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 7-10 November 2017.
Danilo Ribeiro. 2017. Best oral presentation at the IV Symposium of Termitology - IV SymTermes held in the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil. From the 13 abstracts selected to participate in the category "oral presentation", Danilo's talk achieved the best grade given by the peer-reviews. 7-10 November 2017. Title: Tracking termites: computer vision tools for termitologists.
Og DeSouza. 2016. "Friend of Science, Friend of Fapemig". Award given to those who have contributed to the actions of the Scientific Research Supporting Agency for the State of Minas Gerais, Brasil (Fapemig) towards the development of science.
Julieth Castiblanco. 2015. Best abstract at the III Brazilian symposium of termitology, held in the Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil. From a total of 70 abstracts submitted, Julieth's abstract was selected by the scientific committee to occupy one of 3 slots available for the category "oral presentation".
Zulma Gil-Palacios. 2014. Best paper in the category "Professional", presented at the 40th National Congress of Entomology in Bogotá, 10-12 July 2013. The prize was granted on 17 July 2014 at the subsequent congress. Title: Los marcadores moleculares como una herramienta para estudiar el movimiento de la broca del café Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari), by Gil-P, Z.N; Benavides-M, P; DeSouza, O., Acevedo, F.E., Lima, E.
Paulo F. Cristaldo. 2014. Best graduate student poster at the II International Symposium of Ecology and Evolution, Viçosa, 18-20 November 2014. Title: Ecological and evolutionary mechanisms involved in the nest-sharing among termite-termite species, by Cristaldo, PF; Lima, ER; Elliot, S and DeSouza, O.
Fernanda Sguizzatto. 2008. Best student's paper presented at section III in the XXII Brazilian Congress of Entomology, in Uberlândia MG, from 24 to 29 August 2008. This is quite an achievement since only a few out of hundreds of papers have been selected to enter the prize and, from those selected, only 3 got the first rank. The congress itself was attended by circa about 2500 people.
Juliana Lins. 2007. Best undergraduate paper among those from the Dept. Animal Biology, presented at the XVI Simposium of the Scientific Trainning Program of Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil.
Juliana LIns. 2007. "Arthur Bernardes Award": best undergraduate paper among all those from the Centre of Biological Sciences, presented at the XVI Simposium of the Scientific Trainning Program of Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil. This is a truly high distinction, since only 4 papers are chosen among more than 1000 papers presented at this simposium.
Marcela Lima. 2005. Best undergraduate paper presented at the I Symposium of the Brazlian Section of the International Union of the Study of Social Insects. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Last modified: Monday, 27 December 2021, 9:30 PM